Les paysages (presque) comestibles de Carl Warner

Les paysages (presque) comestibles de Carl Warner

The culinary art unfolds elsewhere than in the plate! The visual artist and director Carl Warner creates worlds that seem straight out of cartoons using various foods and small objects. 

It is in his studio that he assembles his miniature models consisting of fruits, vegetables, and especially a lot of imagination to then photograph them and give life to unusual scenes.

[Caption] Courtesy Carl Warner. [/ caption]
[Caption] Courtesy Carl Warner. [/ caption]

Impressive and unusual, his artistic approach lies in creating special landscapes, which he calls “foodscapes”, that no one would have thought of seeing. In order for his original ideas to emerge, he is accompanied by a team of retouchers, stylists and culinary designers. His niche expertise has led him to collaborate on numerous occasions for advertising. 

“By creating landscapes from the contents of my refrigerator or by building cities out of shells or auto parts, I have become more of a photographic illustrator who creates things out of nothing, transforming the role of an object. or a food through a composition and lighting » says. 

We advise you to discover behind the scenes of his photos

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Carl Warner

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